Why Choose Us

Over 26 years experience and expertise in private mortgage investments delivering consistent returns for our investors

This is Why People Choose Us


Where do you get finance when the banks knock you back?

Our goal is long term relationships, not a “over promise – under deliver approach” which we are seeing increasingly in our industry.

GFS has been providing industry leading lending for over 26 years and we have built longstanding relationships with our investors, introducers and borrowers.

Our relationships have been built on trust and results. Each Director of GFS brings specialised skills to the table across property, banking, accountancy and Board experience with mortgage trusts. These skills are required prior to a transaction commencing and seeing it through to a successful outcome.

We receive loan applications not only because they have been declined by the banks but simply because the borrower cannot waste their time over weeks/months waiting for a decision, most of our loans have an answer with 24 hours.

For Brokers and Borrowers

Partner and borrow with confidence with GFS Mortgage Management.

Responsible loan-to-valuation ratios and competitive rates Let us guide you through your secure lending journey


For Investors

Our track record speaks volumes, over 25 years of experience and expertise in private mortgage investments has delivered consistent returns for our investors.

Achieved and delivered robust returns on investments secured by property. Join us and benefit from our industry leading market knowledge and broker relationships.

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